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Milly Taiden Books

Wolf Protector

Wolf Protector

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Xander never realized his mate would bite back...

Main Tropes

  • Friends to lovers
  • Slow burn
  • Strong female lead


A woman with a secret…
The Federal Paranormal Unit is an elite squad of supernaturals dedicated to solving missing persons cases. Erica’s gift allows her a special connection with the crime, but it comes at a deep personal cost… Until now, she’s kept her gift a secret, even from the other members of the team. But this case will throw her together with Agent Trent Buchanan. He’s the object of her secret desires, but he’s also a cocky womanizer. She’d rather swim in shark-infested waters with a paper cut than admit she has feelings for him.

A man with one desire…
Wolf Shifter Trent wants Erica more than he’s ever wanted any woman. He’s spent years patiently waiting for her to admit that she wants him too. Working one-on-one in a race to find a serial killer, Trent’s patience and Erica’s resolve wear thin. When Trent discovers the truth about Erica, will he accept her for who she is? And can he protect her from the horrors that her gift brings?

A case that pushes them to the edge…
Erica will have to risk it all if she wants to stop the killer, and when she does, Trent may have to put his own life on the line to make sure his mate is protected…

Chapter 1 Look Inside

Chapter 1

“Brock, he’s doing it again!” Erica glared at the Casanova walking beside her, hating how good he looked in his black T-shirt and ass-hugging jeans. Trent Buchanan. He was her daily temptation and ultimate fantasy. And she’d rather wax her nipples in public than admit it to him. Butterflies swarmed her stomach, twisting and twirling her into one giant, aroused mess.

“What’s Buchanan done this time, Villa?” Brock, their team leader, asked without looking up from the papers on his desk.

“He’s staring at me.” She growled and dropped in one of the empty chairs, huffing out a breath. 

Buchanan, The Bastard, as she liked to refer to his cute ass, grinned at her. His full, sexy lips caught her immediate attention. “Excuse me, I can’t help it if it’s a beautiful day, and I’m glad it’s Friday. You’re a grump, Villa.” 

It was so unfair that she had to keep pushing him away when her body wanted to curl around his big frame. But if she ever did that she’d turn into another Trent groupie, and that was not her thing. She’d seen the other women in the department walk after him, ogling and almost drooling, as if he were the lead singer in a rock band. Pathetic.

Buchanan folded his arms over his massive chest. Erica’s entire body throbbed every time she looked at him. She drank in the inciting vision and argued with her lust for dominance. Disgusted with her body’s responses, she glared at him again. Her eyes strayed to the scar on his upper lip. She gulped and curled her fingers into her palms, digging her nails deep. Whenever she glanced at the tiny scar, she wanted to nibble and run her tongue over it. It was driving her insane. Thankfully he couldn’t read her mind, or he’d be having a hell of a time making fun of her tough talk.

“Villa, just look at me.” He opened his muscled arms wide and did a full circle for her. Once he was facing her again, he leaned on the wall. He winked at her. “If you didn’t have a stick the size of Texas up your ass, you’d realize what a catch I am.”

“Ouch.” Jane Donovan, the youngest member in their team exclaimed as she entered the office. “You are looking to get your little boy parts cut off when you least expect it, Buchanan.” 

Donovan sat next to Erica and played with her phone, or what appeared to be a phone. She was a systems expert and always had some strange gadget in her hands.

Erica peeked at Buchanan again and frowned. It wasn’t smart to let him get the best of her, she knew that, but something about him made her speak without thinking. 

Buchanan grinned, lifted a hand to his lips, and blew her an air kiss. “Villa knows she wants me. If she would stop fighting her instincts, we’d have moved past this awkward foreplay.” 

And that was the reason Erica would rather swim in shark-infested waters with a paper cut than admit her attraction to the six-foot-two wall of sexy muscle. Even if her body was strung so tight she thought she’d soon burst a blood vessel, she would not admit to her growing desire for Buchanan.

“Settle down. Where the hell is Ramirez?” Brock asked, finally looking up at the three of them.

“Probably getting some in the men’s room.” Donovan muttered under her breath.

Erica choked on a giggle. They were so going to get written up. Brock didn’t allow that kind of talk around the building, ever. It was hard enough that they were held to higher standards than the other teams. The senior directors expected miracles from them. Erica was lucky Brock took the brunt of the stress from his superiors.

Buchanan groaned. “Am I missing out on something that awesome? Because I had no idea women were doing that in the men’s room.”

Erica’s smile fell from her lips. He continued to grin at her. “Don’t worry, Villa. I’m all yours whenever you want me. Just say the word.”

“I said settle down,” Brock ordered again. “This is not the time or place for this type of behavior. You know we have a strict code of conduct here.” 

Did Buchanan ever not think of sex? Probably not. Shit, even she had a hard time keeping her thoughts away from sex whenever he was around.

Before she got the chance to give him a sarcastic response, Tony Ramirez strolled in, an easy smile over his wide lips. He was a specimen of male perfection, able to make the strongest of women pant. Of course, he also had an ego the size of Alaska. But as much as she’d tried, her panties just didn’t go into a desperate twist with Ramirez. Oh but with Trent…er Buchanan, her body buzzed in awareness the moment he swaggered into the room with her. 

“I’m here. Sorry, I was caught up.” Ramirez’s tone dripped with innuendo.

“Oh, brother.” Donovan’s complaint was loud. “Are we here for another lesson on who can get more? Ramirez versus Buchanan? Because, I gotta say, I have better things to do than figure that one out. As far as I’m concerned the women both of these dumbasses get don’t count. They’re all easy.”

“Hey!” Both men complained at once.

Brock’s patience snapped. “Enough!” His voice thundered in the office, making the entire team go silent. “We are not here for a competition on who has the biggest anything, so put your rulers away and pay attention. I don’t want to write anyone up on misconduct, so please, shut your mouths before I’m forced to.” He took a deep breath and rubbed his fingers over his eyes before looking up. His gaze pierced each of them as it traveled the room. “Let’s get to what you’re here for. You all have a new assignment.”

He handed each of the team members a file. When Erica opened the folder, her heartbeat slowed to a thudding crawl. She dropped the file on her lap and stared. A photo of a woman’s naked, lifeless body sat at the top of the paperwork.

“That is Lisa Summers. Age: Nineteen. She was a student at a large state college in upstate New York. She was walking home after her last class and never made it back to her apartment.”

Erica studied the photo and placed her hands on the chair’s metal armrests. She knew if she touched the photo she would not like what she saw. The woman’s pale flesh was marred with bruising, cuts, and burns. A sick knot settled in Erica’s throat, growing with every second she stared at the body. Instant grief for the dead girl filled her. She lifted her gaze from the file and found Brock watching her. Only he knew of her ability. 

Everyone else thought she did some kind of profiling. The truth was she got glimpses of people’s highest energy level moments by touching something of theirs, and that included photos of their deceased bodies. A photo could capture a small amount of a person’s energy. Captured energy, even the small bits caught in pictures, was enough to help her connect with the victim. “Why are we seeing a photo of a dead woman instead of a missing one?” Erica asked.

Brock shifted, glancing from one person to the next until his gaze landed back on Erica. She knew whatever he said next was directed just to her. 

“Lisa isn’t victim number one. She’s the first one found. According to the medical examiner, she was killed forty-eight hours ago. Her body was placed in an alley.”

The nervous shaking of Ramirez's legs never slowed as he crossed and uncrossed them. “Do you think it’s a ritual killing? Or something like an angry ex-boyfriend?” 

Erica hated to think there were more young women out there being tortured to death. Tearing her sight from the horrific image of the dead body, she gulped, eyeing everyone in the office. Donovan scribbled furiously. Paper scrunched under her hands as she flicked from one page to the next, her red hair brushing her cheek and sliding forward when she lowered her face toward the notepad. Ramirez frowned, as if trying to solve the puzzle himself while staring at the photo. Buchanan’s gaze connected with Erica’s. Her heart flipped at his intense look. She gripped the chair, keeping herself from squirming in her seat. 

“I don’t know, but we don’t think so.” Brock’s voice jerked her back to reality. Against her will, she broke contact with Buchanan’s dark stare and faced Brock.

Taking a slow breath, she glanced down at the photo again. “Not a ritual… This was a crime of revenge.” She swiped her tongue over her bottom lip, thinking of reasons, reasons why anyone would be battered and beaten the way Lisa Summers had been, and continued to contemplate the photo. “I’m almost inclined to say passion, but I can see a savagery to this scene I rarely encounter.”

“So you don’t think it’s a serial?” Buchanan’s breath tickled the side of her neck. He’d moved closer to her seat and peered at the file over her shoulder. He had his own, but he chose to look at hers instead.

She tried not to shudder, but listening to the raspy tone gave her goose bumps. “I didn’t say that. What I’m saying is whoever killed her had a reason. One we have to discover as soon as possible.” Her stomach churned at what she’d need to do. Tension slid down her spine, expanding with every inch it traveled. She glanced at Brock. “I need to see the body.”

Brock slapped his hands down on the file. The loud thump caught everyone off guard and made Donovan jump in her seat with a gasp. “All right. We’re going to do something different this time.” He stared at Erica. “I know that I have usually teamed up with Villa, but this time I need to stay here. The mayor has scheduled multiple meetings, and our department head wants me there. I tried to get out of it, but it was a no-go.” 

His words ratcheted up the anxiety inside her, until it was hard for her to hear through her wall of unease. 

What did that mean for her? 

“I’m going to need you, Villa, Ramirez, and Buchanan, to head up there first. The three of you are going to work this case, ASAP. Gather your gear, and be ready to stay a while. I’m sure you all know what this crime looks like, and I’m not waiting around to see where it goes. Apparently a couple of senators have daughters up there, and they want this resolved immediately.”

Buchanan shifted away from Erica’s shoulder to stand upright. She couldn’t stop herself; she peeked up. She instantly missed his body heat, the scent of his musky cologne, and his warm breath by her ear. They had all mixed together to make her feel that much more wound up. “You said she wasn’t victim number one.”

Brock rubbed a hand over the back of his neck, his forehead creased with doubt. “I don’t think she is. Lisa had been missing for a week, but another student went missing before her. Gina Torres disappeared two weeks ago. There’s no trace of her anywhere.”

Donovan, who had been taking notes, stopped and looked up, her green eyes filled with curiosity. “How do we know she’s victim number one?”

Brock shrugged. Focusing on Erica, he gave a slight shake of his head. “We don’t know. In fact, we know very little. It’s your job to find out what happened to her. See what you discover. I want you to move quickly. I don’t want a string of dead college girls making the national papers.” His brows dipped low in a solemn frown. “Nichol’s in charge while you’re up there. Donovan and I will look into things from here. If there is any news on Torres or any other new victims, we’ll head your way.” He shut the file with a slam. “Go, find what you can, and let’s get some answers.” 

She stood to go, but Brock shook his head. 

“Villa, I need to discuss some things with you for a moment.”

Buchanan’s dark eyes locked on her, again. A measure of reassurance and something else were visible in his steady gaze. The urge to fidget and turn away coursed through her. She hated when he stared at her like that. She could handle his silly quips and sexual innuendos, but once he regarded her like he cared, it scared the crap out of her. 

“Sure thing.” 

She waited. Increasing apprehension gathered at the thought of the upcoming trip. The others marched out in single file. Ramirez, the last one to step out, shut the door behind him. Taking her seat again, she opened the manila folder on her lap. It took a minute to urge her mind to focus. Looking at the photo was like having hot coals burned into her eye sockets. She could visualize how the woman got her injuries from a hundred different angles and viewpoints. Because Erica connected with the victim’s energy, the clearest flashes were of moments where the victim’s energy spiked. Usually that meant a moment of fear, or worse, the moment of death. When she glanced up, Brock was observing her. Unease curled into a jagged ball inside her. 


He sighed as he dropped into the seat next to her. “Villa, I know I’m the only person you work with. But we’re a team, and I need you to be able to work alone with the rest of them. It’s time to trust that we all have your back. This unit—our unit—is not normal. We all know that. Each of you has a particular trait that makes you necessary to the team. Yours is a little different than the others, but it is one of the most important. Because of this, I need you to take charge in this case.”

This was major for her. She didn’t trust anyone on a good day. Anxiety spread through her limbs in a cold sweep that made her shudder. Security dictated none of them share their gifts with each other. In case of someone leaving or getting captured, no vital information would be lost. But what if the others realized what she did? What she was?  

“I want you to be very careful with this. There is something about this case that doesn’t sit right with me. This body, it wasn’t just displayed. It was grandstanded. Whoever killed her wanted us to find her.”

She regarded Brock, the only person who had not let her down so far. She nodded. It might be scary, or more like frickin’ terrifying, but she’d work with the others—without him. Although she didn’t want to admit it, the thought of working one-on-one with Buchanan sent a hot shiver up her spine, thawing some of the anxiety a new case brought. She glanced down at the photo, all the while keeping her hands from touching the glossy paper. Because reality was, she wanted to put off the nightmares of the woman’s last, painful seconds for as long as possible. 

“Do you know anything about her? Her family or friends? Anyone who might have had it in for her?” She stared at the positioning of the body, made mental notes, and visually recorded several things that made her breath hitch. The girl was definitely on display. 

Whoever killed her wanted her found in the way she’d been placed: spread-eagle with her arms open to her sides, allowing for everyone who looked to see the jagged wounds from the knife cuts on her stomach. She wasn’t a small woman, so whoever moved her around had to have the muscle to do so. A fuzzy image of the killer started to form.

Brock shook his head. “No. That’s one of the things you guys have to look into. The town she was murdered in is small, and their police force needs the extra help. This is the first murder they’ve seen in a long time. She was attending the university, but her body was found in a smaller township close to where she lived.”

Erica nodded. Brock watched her with the same concern and scrutiny he showed during every investigation. It was his big-brother attitude. “Do you think you can do this?” he asked. “You’ll be seeing more when you get to her house.”

She took a deep breath and let it out gradually, forcing her thoughts to stop jumping around. 

“Will you be able to work with Buchanan? I’m worried about you. I need to know you can work this case. Can you handle working one-on-one with him?”

This was new, and she and Trent…Buchanan were going to be working long hours alone. Could she handle it? Probably not, but she’d never admit to that. No matter how hard it was, she never backed out of a new case. “Yes, I know. I can handle it. I’ll get whoever did this. I will do whatever I have to in order to solve this and find out who killed Lisa.”

Brock grabbed her forearm and gave her a quick squeeze. “Don’t touch anything unless you absolutely have to.” 

His demand sounded more like a request. He was the only person that knew how hard it was for her, how much she struggled with each case. To see the things she saw of the victims inside her mind. She saw them all being held captive, tortured, and killed. And that could turn any day into a living hell for her. 

All she visualized for months was blurred bits of the victims’ last moments. Sometimes, she’d get lucky and actually see. “I know that for you to get a glimpse of something—anything—helpful is the ultimate payoff. But there have been too many times when you don’t get anything useful, only the bad. I want you to try to focus on what you see with your eyes, what your instinct tells you, what the people say, and what you can uncover without your extra sensory sight.”

She frowned. “You know that the best images I get are from touching. I won’t have the same clear view after that first connection. Initial contact with something belonging to the victim is the biggest break we can get. Things become hazy, unfocused, and mangled after that. I will do my best, but if I have to touch…I will.” 

Shutting the manila folder, and with it the torturous vision of the woman’s corpse, she got up to go. At the same time, Brock stood, towering over her. He placed a hand on her shoulder. “No heroics, Erica. I need you mentally and emotionally stable to work this case. Don’t overdo it. Don’t touch things if you’re not ready to see.”

“I’ll be fine. Stop worrying, Brock.” She smiled, her vision straying outside past the glass door. Buchanan sat on the edge of Donovan’s desk. The way he looked at her, so possessive and dark, fired more than her interest. If she wasn’t careful this case would turn into her biggest fight against her body and its desires. 

Brock leaned down by her ear, and her heart leapt when Buchanan clenched his jaw. “Don’t let him get the best of you. He’s a good guy, but if you need me to handle him just let me know.” 

She knew how intimate the moment appeared to Buchanan and added her own bit of fire into the mix by smiling at Brock. “Don’t worry, I can handle him.” 

She left Brock’s office a mass of nerves. Her stress had just gone from hair-falling-out to won’t-be-getting-any-sleep level in the blink of an eye. 

* * *

“Okay, so explain to me again where we’re going first?” Ramirez’s voice floated from the backseat of the Jeep. 

Erica twisted her long hair into a sloppy bun at the top of her head and groaned. God, the humidity up here was horrible. And she probably looked like Medusa. She grabbed a water bottle from the cup holder and took a long gulp. It was the end of July, and a heat wave had taken over the northeast. Her tank top was stuck uncomfortably to her back. Heat and humidity were not her friends. Not to mention the mosquitoes. Already they’d encountered a large number of the annoying little bugs. She hated bugs. She hated anything that crawled and had more than two feet, or worse, no feet. She shuddered just visualizing them. 

“To see the body,” Buchanan replied. “Per Brock’s orders that’s stop number one.”

Erica peeked at Buchanan’s smiling profile from behind her sunglasses. All dressed in black, he looked like a super hot Navy Seal. The T-shirt did nothing to cover the bulging muscles that rippled whenever he gripped the wheel. His short, spiky hair and five o’clock shadow made him look oh-so fine. And the reflective sunglasses added to his sexy, bad-boy allure. Goddamn it, she needed to get laid! Pronto, or she’d start seeing Buchanan as more than a Casanova and more like a possible candidate to end her sexual hiatus.

Her mind started to wander. What was it that made Buchanan special to their team? He did have a military background, but there was a restrained wildness about him that made her keep him at a distance. Not because she couldn’t handle it, but because she knew that she’d probably enjoy it way too much. It was dangerous for her emotions and for her hormones. He was hot, and she could only fight them for so long. She wondered what he was. Was he a warlock? An empath? Or maybe he had some other ability… She’d always worked with Brock one-on-one, so she hadn’t seen Buchanan in action before now.

Buchanan turned his face toward her and smiled the sexy smile that made her entire body throb. It made her want to lick and suck at the little scar on his lip. 

“Like what you see, Villa? I can give you a private show later. Just you and me, baby.” His deep voice promised so much pleasure that it took a moment for her brain to process the actual words.

She blinked. He’d caught her staring at him. Of all the stupid things for her to do. “Actually, I was wondering if it was possible for you to actually have a brain inside that skull. You know what they say; the bigger the brawn, the smaller the brain.”

He smiled, unperturbed. “Trust me, Villa. My brain is big enough to amaze any woman who sees it. In fact, the last time one saw it she called me a god.”

The tone of his voice sounded deeper than before. She was practically panting over his rough timbre. It took her a second to realize what he’d said. Pangs of jealousy hit her low in the gut. She lost her smile at the thought of him with another woman and turned away. Her mind was a muddled mess over how much she hated the thought of him with someone else. She’d let her guard down too much with him, and it surprised her. Looking out her window, she focused on the passing trees. “Ramirez, what do we know about our victim?”

Along with the hum of the air conditioner, Ramirez’s soft Latin voice filled the inside of the Jeep. “Lisa Summers was a freshman at Ithaca. She lived in a small town not far from the school. Her family resides in New York City. She was from a very sheltered home and was not even allowed to have a sleepover. Apparently it took her almost a year to convince her parents to let her go away to school. She’d wanted overseas. They wanted down the street. Both compromised with out of town but same state.”

Erica nodded absently. “What about boyfriends? Friends? Exes?”

“No current boyfriends. She did have a lot of friends. She was a very popular girl and went out a lot. I guess she decided that her sheltered lifestyle was over the minute she left home.”

Erica shook her head. The poor girl hadn’t realized that danger could also lurk in this quiet, small town. “Have the friends been interviewed by the police? Do they know anything useful to help give us a clue where to look first?”

“Some of her friends have been. It seems most of the kids have rich parents, and as soon as word got out, no one wanted to say any more without a lawyer present.”

She cursed under her breath. “Do we at least have any idea who was the last person to see her alive?”

“Yes. It was her best friend, Gia Matthews. She said they had parted ways after their last class. Normally they would head home together, since they lived in the same building, but the friend had a date and Lisa went home on her own. Apparently, Lisa didn’t have any plans to go out that evening and was planning to study for an upcoming exam.”

Erica watched as they turned onto a main street. The trees along the street gave way to some shops, a post office, a couple of family restaurants, and a police station. Each one looking older than the last; the structures appeared to have been built in the earlier part of the last century. The store next to the police station had peeled paint, rusted metal bars, and windows that looked like some she’d seen on the History Channel. Buchanan stopped in front of the small police station. A lone car sat outside the square-looking building. She jumped out of the Jeep, and wiped her sweaty palms on the back of her khaki shorts. 

She winced when steamy heat hit her in the face. Beads of sweat gathered on her upper lip and the back of her neck, and dripped down her temples. She strolled toward the entrance to the single-story building with a lone thought: It was absolutely necessary for her to keep her mind focused solely on the case. She scanned the outside of the building. Looking more like a general store than a secure location to question criminals, the station was small with a wide-open entrance.

Inside, she went straight up to the wooden counter, where papers and files littered the scarred old surface. Buchanan and Ramirez followed behind her. A short, pot-bellied older man with a long beard and thick mustache stood when he saw her enter. His brown uniform shirt wrinkled against his heavy frame, and his bald-head showed off his liver spots.

The old man peered at Erica from under heavy gray brows, his piercing gaze moving to Buchanan and, after a moment, finally landing on Ramirez. 

“Can I help you?” 

“Yes.” She pulled up the ID badge that hung from her neck on a silver chain, flicked it open, displaying her photo and agency details. “I’m Agent Villa, Federal Bureau of Investigation. These are my colleagues: Agents Ramirez and Buchanan. We’re here to see Lisa Summers’s body, Mister…” 

“Deputy Owens, Carl Owens. Welcome to Shady Oaks,” he replied and shook the hand she offered. A grin spread across his wrinkled face. 

“Could you please show us Ms. Summers’s body, Deputy Owens?”

Deputy Owens nodded. “Yes, ma’am.” 

He glanced down at the counter, shuffled papers, and placed them into folders. “We’ve had a few out-of-town reporters wanting to see the body, so I’ve had to stay here and guard it until you all came along. We put it in the morgue. You’ll have to forgive us, but this is the first murder in our town in over fifty years. The morgue is a really small room.” 

He walked to the end of the counter, opened a door, and allowed them into his side of the room. With each step he took the heavy key ring jingled, reminding Erica of a bag of coins being shaken. The three of them followed the deputy down the hall until he stopped in front of a large metal door. Cool air seeped out from underneath it. 

“You’re sure you want to see this ma’am? It’s a mighty nasty sight.”

Erica nodded. “I’m sure, Deputy Owens. Go ahead and let us inside.” 

He opened the door, and Erica walked into a cold, windowless storage room. It was no bigger than a twelve-foot by twelve-foot cell. As soon as she stepped inside, the stench of rotting flesh surrounded her, digging into her lungs and making her scrunch her face in distaste. In the middle of the room sat a metal table with the body, covered by a white sheet. 

Buchanan strode up to the small, wheeled cart next to the body, pulled on some gloves, and opened a jar of odor-perception inhibitor. He grabbed the jar, held it away from his nose, and then he clutched a second pair of gloves, bringing both over to her. Still fighting the urge to gag, she put the gloves on and patted a finger full of the paste under her nostrils, masking some of the rotting body stench. 

“Don’t you need any?” 

Buchanan shook his head and made a face showing his distaste. “That stuff stinks.”

Her jaw dropped. “The body stinks more.” 

“I can handle the body.”

She shrugged. With both hands to her sides, she walked up to the table where the body lay.

Ramirez dragged the sheet back. Erica’s stomach clenched and she was glad she’d forgone breakfast. She swallowed, pushing down the urge to vomit. The victim, Lisa, had been strangled. She had also been stabbed, beaten, and mutilated. The word “Bitch” was carved into her stomach. 

Ramirez whistled under his breath. “Jesus. Talk about anger. That is some fucked-up shit right there. That girl is way more than dead. She’s an example. Somebody wanted her in pain. More pain than what I see in most victims.” 

Buchanan started sniffing, and Erica raised her brows.

“Are you ok?”

He sneezed. “Bleach. This body was thoroughly cleaned before it was dumped.”

She inhaled, but all she got was the scent of the inhibitor under her nose. “How can you tell?”

He scrunched his nose, turned back to her, and took a step back. “Trust me, I can tell. So what’s your first impression, Villa?” 

“She was so young.” 

She said the words softly while glancing at the girl. The victim’s face and body were a large map of bruises. 

“The cuts on the body appear to have been made with a scalpel. I’m not sure about determining this person to be in the medical profession because the pre-mortem lines are jagged.” She leaned over the body and studied the wounds with more intensity. Buchannan and Ramirez walked up and did the same. She glanced up and saw them frown, as if they were trying to figure out what she saw. 

“If you look closely,” she pointed a gloved finger toward some of the wounds, “you will notice that the killer started out with smooth lines, but something got the best of him. As if he wanted to hurry up and finish the cutting…”

“What? Like he was excited and wanted to see the words carved so he rushed through the job? Or like he was nervous because he was doing something he shouldn’t be?” Ramirez picked up one of the surgical instruments and studied it with interest.

“I’m not sure,” she whispered. She continued to study the cuts, each one more horrific than the last. Instinct and something inside told her this wasn’t going to be the only one. And she was definitely an example. 

Yes, an example to others. Erica continued to stare at the body. Her attention was on the young girl’s face. She moved around the table, taking in the body from a different angle. Her heart beat in loud thuds in her chest. Curling her nails into her palms, she approached her victim’s face. She tuned out Ramirez and Buchanan and focused on the girl. So young. Alone. Scared. 

Irritation mounted at her lack of focus. She took a deep breath and examined the girl’s lifeless features. Colorful bruises marred her cheeks. He beat her because she fought. There are bruises on her knuckles. She didn’t just die; she’d fought to live, and he’d enjoyed the kill. Erica closed her eyes and got a glimpse into a room. Dark. Angry. Fear crawled up her spine when a voice whispered into her ear. “You will regret your choice.”

“Can you guys give me a moment to analyze this body? I just think better alone.”

Buchanan eyed her warily while Ramirez nodded. The soft click of the door made her heartbeat accelerate. She turned in a circle to make sure she was alone. 

“Ok, Lisa…” 

She gulped and stared at the body. Cold shivers racked her. She hated this part but knew it was necessary. Her best and clearest images came from touching the body itself and picking up on residual energy victims left behind.

She walked around the table and stopped by Lisa’s arm. Her lungs fought to get air in. She grabbed hold of Lisa’s cold hand between hers and gasped.

The victim’s heart-wrenching scream filled her ears. Pain, sorrow, and despair all flooded her mind. The movie-like images made her breath catch. It showed her the minute the girl had realized her plight. These were Lisa’s final moments. She couldn’t breathe or move. Darkness surrounded her, and the scent of wood invaded her senses. Lisa’s heart beat so fast she thought she was having a panic attack. 

She was in a box, a coffin. Panicked screams tore from her throat, and her hands beat at the wood. She’d been buried alive. Terror, raw and nerve-wracking, filled her mind when she realized she was going to die.

Erica jerked to the present with so much force she fell to her knees. Her body shook. She gulped, trying to catch her breath and still feeling as though she couldn’t breathe. The panic Lisa had felt was still thick and heavy inside her. Tears filled her eyes. It hurt to see someone suffering the way Lisa had been. 

Moments later she was standing by the body making notes. She continued to visualize how Lisa had gotten each of her wounds. 

The door opened and Buchanan and Ramirez walked back inside.

“Hey, Villa. Did you forget we were out there? Damn it’s hot.” Ramirez wiped his brow.

She went back to studying Lisa’s body. The longer she stared at the wounds, the more it hurt her to breathe.

Buchanan’s voice broke through her connection. “Villa? Are you alright?”

Erica jerked sideways, until she was facing away from the girl, and gulped a breath. When she turned to face Buchanan and Ramirez, both men were watching her. She’d never been with anyone other than Brock when she connected with the victim. “Fine. I’m fine. Let’s go to her apartment. We really need to get moving on this case.” 

Before more bodies turned up.

“You sure you’re alright, Villa?” Buchanan asked once they were back inside the Jeep and headed to the victim’s apartment.

She needed to think. She’d already written down the glimpse into the dark room along with the quick flash of struggle she’d seen. It wasn’t enough. More information was needed in order to get a better, much more detailed description of the killer. There was only one way to achieve that.

“Buchanan, just because I saw a dead body doesn’t make me a weakling. Stop looking so scared. It’s not like I’m going to run to you expecting you to protect me.” She batted her lashes and draped the back of her hand over her forehead with a dramatic sigh. “‘Oh hold me, Trent. I’m so scared. Whatever will I do?’” 

She made light of the situation, hoping he’d ignore what he’d seen. 

Ramirez laughed from the backseat. Erica grinned, but when she turned to Buchanan he wasn’t smiling, he was watching her intently. She turned away from him, put her sunglasses over her eyes, and fought her body’s need to seek him out. The last thing she needed was for him to realize how disturbed she’d been by being near the body.

The drive to Lisa Summers’s apartment complex was short. Once they arrived, Buchanan used the key the deputy had given him to gain access to the place. She didn’t touch anything, knowing the result if she did. After a quick scan of the area, she noticed the place still appeared ready for Lisa to come home. The police report said everything had been left as it had been found. They’d blocked off all access into the apartment. 

Sand took over her throat, clogging it and making it hard to swallow. A short-lived moment of indecision stopped her, but she steeled her spine and moved toward the bedroom. Buchanan followed her. She eyed the room with trepidation, strolled into the large space and stopped a foot away from the bed. Even though his presence soothed her nerves, she needed to be alone in the room. Before she got a chance to ask him to leave, he turned toward the door.

“Are you going to be all right in here?” He glanced around at the frilly bedding and curtains. Lisa Summers had been a girly-girl. “I’m going to check around the living area. Call if you find anything.”

“I’m fine. Shut the door behind you,” she ordered. The soft click of the lock let her know he’d followed her request.

Her blood froze as nerves attempted to get the better of her, but she proceeded to the bed and grabbed hold of the comforter.

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