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Milly Taiden Books

Her Dragon Link

Her Dragon Link

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Xander never realized his mate would bite back...

Main Tropes

  • Friends to lovers
  • Slow burn
  • Strong female lead


Book 2 in the Awaken the Dragon series

Dragon-shifter Aelon is known as the intellectual one of his clan. He isn’t looking for a mate. He’s got a lot going on. Like finding the now exposed temple and using its power to awaken all the dragons. They’re being hunted. He flies straight into a woman whose scent buries into his heart. Once she’s in his arms, he knows she’s the one for him.

Fern is a ski instructor that loves her job. But she didn’t expect to get caught up in a blizzard. She’s saved by a dragon. When she touches him for the first time, he turns into a gorgeous man. A shifter. Her heart immediately calls out for him and she struggles to control her need to throw herself at him. And those sizzling looks he gives her are not helping. Not at all.

When he explains his need for her help, she agrees to go with him. She knows he’s on a mission and hates the idea of people hurting the beautiful dragons. Aelon is sweet and kind. The perfect gentleman she wants to get naked. But is that enough to grow a relationship with him?

Chapter 1 Look Inside

Chapter 1: Aelon

The pull was stronger here, among his treasures. It was unmistakable.

“Why have you brought us on this fool’s errand, brother? Couldn’t we just return to Penny’s now?” Evair did a poor job of hiding his irritation at being brought back to Aelon’s lair, a tomb that lay deep beneath the earth.

Aelon marveled at how quickly his older brother had become accustomed to human dwellings. From what he recalled, Evair had always been slower to adapt to new surroundings. Aelon was far more curious, eagerly learning the customs, technologies, and odd idiosyncrasies of the world around him.

Being asleep for several centuries meant he had a lot of learning ahead of him. But that was for another time. At present, another mission tugged at him… one he couldn’t ignore.

Penny, Evair’s human mate, and a talented witch, laid her hand on Evair’s arm.

“My love, Aelon needed something from here. We aren’t in any rush,” she stated gently.

“I disagree. It would be a better use of our time and resources to pursue the Dragon slayers first. They know we are awake and, to their great dismay, still alive,” Evair said, his words and tone of voice kind but fervent.

Aelon tried to ignore their conversation. He had to be sure. That was why he had convinced his brother and Penny to return with him to his sleeping tomb. While the pull had been present back in Penny’s house, it had been muffled somehow. It felt more like a nagging thought there, something he could easily ignore.

By coming back here, he was able to focus his thoughts, clear his mind… and feel the pull that tugged insistently at his whole being.

Evair and Penny continued to converse quietly with each other, working out the best plan of pursuit. Aelon agreed that the Dragon slayers were indeed concerning, but they were secondary to what he felt within these walls.

Still in Dragon form, Aelon trod carefully among the dark stones and hidden niches that had long been his bed. He looked for nothing in particular but rather used the time and space to confirm his deepest suspicions. He must leave this place and head to the Temple of the Dragons.

“I won’t be coming back with you, Evair. I had to return here to be sure,” Aelon said as he continued to perambulate about the tomb.

Evair, in his human form, protested. “But why? We need you to help us take down the slayers. You know we do.”

“Honestly, I think we are better off by returning to the temple and awakening our brethren. The Dragon slayers will be no match for us then,” Aelon replied coolly. His mind was firmly made up.

“You utterly confuse me, brother. First, we return to this musty, depressing place, and now you disagree on our course of action?” Evair’s cool demeanor was quickly fracturing. Aelon recalled that his elder brother was not known for his restraint. It was only Penny’s good influence that had kept him in check so far.

“In my experience, disagreement leads to debate, debate leads to discoveries, and discoveries lead to progress,” Aelon simply stated. Strange that even with centuries of sleep separating them, the brothers quickly resorted back to behaviors from long ago.

Evair had always been blustery and quick to act. Aelon often took his time, resisting rash impulses, weighing all options before pursuing an idea. When they disagreed, Evair became irate and demanding, while Aelon became calmer and quieter. It often ended in a stale mate.

“Our lives are not up for debate! They want us dead! We must root them out and destroy them!” Evair’s voice rose in protest. Not even Penny’s gentle touch could calm him now.

“Safety will be in our numbers. We don’t know the extent of their forces,” Aelon replied, now turning to face his brother.

“And what if, when we awaken them, they refuse to believe us or to help us? Have you thought of that eventuality? If I recall, you yourself did not take kindly to being awoken so abruptly.”

“You managed to convince me. We’lldo the same.”

“We have taken down one of the leaders of the slayers. But they will regroup. By going to the temple, we waste that precious time. Surely you must see this!”

Aelon began to pace once more. If he stood too long, the pull that nagged at him became ever more insistent, grasping at his thoughts. He could not ignore it. Evair’s points were sound, and were it not for this feeling within, he would have stood loyally at his side, pursuing all the Dragon slayers they could find.

What irked him, though, was that this pull was not logical. He couldn’t explain it or rationalize it away. It doggedly defied scientific reason, which Aelon hated. However, he did not want to admit this to Evair as he would seize upon this fact and use it against him.

Sighing, he stopped his pacing and turned, once more, to face his brother.

“I do, Evair. I think it’s a sound plan. But I cannot pursue it with you. From what I’ve seen, you do not need my help. The two of you already make a formidable pair.” He smiled as he spoke the truth.

Penny looked at him kindly and once again laid her hand on Evair’s arm.

“My love, Aelon has his reasons. Don’t ask him to explain them. We can manage on our own. If and when Aelon is ready to join us, we can regroup,” she said, her calming influence emanating from her. Even Aelon felt the benefits of her even-keeled words.

“I see just how much your mate brings to this relationship, including a reasonable mind. You are lucky to have found her, brother,” Aelon knew he pushed his luck with this statement, but he wanted to change the subject. And, he wanted to begin preparations to leave. The pull could no longer be ignored.

Evair sighed, torn between his anger and his mate. He tried a different tactic.

“You have never been to the temple. Nor have I. How will you find it?”

Aelon had been dreading this question. He didn’t know how to respond. Whatever answer he gave would be unsatisfactory to his brother… and to himself.

“How I pursue everything: through research, trial and error… and intuition,” Aelon replied, layering some honesty into his answer. He sensed Penny could smell a lie, and he did not want to disappoint her.

“Do you know which way it lies?”

“North. My inclination is north, and that is all I know right now, dear brother. Please. Let me pursue this. I will not keep you any longer. I know you have much to do,” Aelon said. He hoped Evair would drop the argument and leave him in peace.

He did no such thing.

“North? How do you know that?”

Now it was time for Aelon’s anger to flare.

“I don’t have all the answers, Evair! Please, leave me alone!” Aelon turned his back once more to them both, suddenly ashamed of his outburst.

Evair took a step towards him, his own anger coming to the front. Once again, Penny stopped him.

“There’s nothing more for us to do here, my love. Let’s be on our way,” Penny said, her voice calm but commanding.

A grunt escaped Evair’s lips, but he acquiesced. There was no further argument to be had. And he, too, wished to be on his way. The Dragon slayers would find them soon enough.

“Very well,” he snorted, his anger still present. “I can’t convince you otherwise. I won’t continue to try. I wish you luck and good health,” Evair said.

Aelon’s anger dissipated. With a thought, he shifted back to human form, better to take leave of his brother and Penny.

“And you. Please stay out of harm’s way,” he said, extending his hand to grasp his brother’s arm.

“I intend to. The harm will only come to those who wish us dead,” Evair said with a hint of glee.

Aelon turned to Penny. “You are powerful and wise. I have no doubt of your success and safety.” He turned to face her. His respect and admiration were evident.

“I wish you luck. Please, be safe. Come find us when you are ready. We will be waiting,” she said.

Formalities made, the couple turned to leave, leaving Aelon within his tomb. Penny touched Evair quietly on the shoulder at the entrance and, within moments, he had transformed to his true Dragon form.

Climbing up his shoulder, Penny sat behind his neck. With a quick nod, Evair spread his powerful wings to take flight. As they ascended into the slanting afternoon sun, Penny raised her hand in goodbye. Aelon nodded and watched as Evair caught the drifting air currents.

Within moments, they were but a speck on the horizon, shades of pink and purple signaling the coming dusk. Aelon felt the pull ever more acutely and knew he had to take flight himself very soon. He shifted back to his Dragon form upon a word, his blue scales catching the afternoon light.

Returning to his lair, he paced, this time letting his eyes drink in, once more, the world he had known for so long. His horde of treasures, a haphazard pile of spoons, goblets, jewels and other riches lay undisturbed, a faint light giving them an eerie, muted glow. As much as he wanted to take it with him, he knew it would be impractical. He trusted them to lie in wait for his return.

His path was unclear. All he had to go on was the pull that had invaded his very soul. The temple called to him, and he must obey.

Giving one last glance to the tomb, he returned to the surface where he had stood only moments before. The purple hues had darkened to shades of cobalt and magenta. The night lay ahead.

Turning to face the entrance to his lair, he breathed out. A wall of ice descended, blocking it from prying eyes. His course was now clear.

Looking to the skies, he oriented himself on the ridge. His wings spread wide, the air caught, and he leapt from the rocky ledge, stones falling madly below.

The night embraced him as he pulled skyward.

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