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Milly Taiden Books

Dragons' Jewel

Dragons' Jewel

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Xander never realized his mate would bite back...

Main Tropes

  • Friends to lovers
  • Slow burn
  • Strong female lead


Gianna Harris doesn’t think twice when joining a program seeking surrogates for an alien shifter planet whose female population was decimated during war. It’s better than grieving a mother who doesn’t remember her. With tears, Gianna says her goodbyes then travels to planet Daeria where she meets not one, but two sexy dragons who claim she’s their mate.

As the dragon king and leader of the shifter council, Voss has a duty to rebuild the planet after a shifter war destroyed everything. The surrogate program was supposed to be simple. The female volunteers are assigned to the shifter species they want and are not forced to do anything they don’t want. 

When Voss caught the scent of one of the first females to arrive at the spaceport, he and his best friend, Azar, break a few rules to claim their true mate. They steal her away from the wolves she was assigned to. And a particular wolf wants her badly enough to start another war if she isn’t turned over.

Chapter 1 Look Inside

Chapter 1

I am absolutely nuts.

Gianna’s insides twisted into a nervous ball of knots as she stepped off the spaceship into the spaceport. Pulling the small roll-away suitcase behind her, she drank in the futuristic interior. It was like she’d been transported to the future or an alternate universe.

Well, she was on another planet.

The architecture of the building was beautiful with the curves and the tunnel-like corridors. The white-and-silver color scheme seemed a little too clinical for her. Then again, it could be the anxiety winding her insides with each step closer to her new future.

Too late to back out now.

She’d volunteered to be a surrogate for an alien shapeshifter on the planet Daeria—a small planet on the other side of the Milky Way. As she understood it, the Draconis Star System was much like Earth’s galaxy. Daeria was very similar to Earth.

And here she was, about to spend the rest of her life being a sex slave and baby maker for an alien race. Damn, when put that way, it didn’t sound so nice. But the species was dying out. They needed women from other planets to help repopulate after the great war. What she was doing was courageous and self-less. And she loved babies. They were so cute!

The program director said repeatedly the shifters would not force the women into anything. There was even an out clause in the contract that simply stated any time she wanted to go home she was free to do so. However, pulling out of the program meant the money she got to ensure her mother’s final days were the happiest in her whole life would have to be returned.

As did the generous donation to a few of the Alzheimer charities she requested.

Gianna would stick it out. For her mom, she’d do anything.

The click of heels and the squeak of tennis shoes told her the other three women she shared the flight with had caught up to her. Reagan, Vanessa, and Katrina had fast become Gianna’s friends in the few months they spent on the spaceship.

“Onward into our doom,” Reagan winked at Gianna after falling in step with her. The curvy redhead was full of life and she didn’t hold back when it came to speaking her mind. Yet, Gianna sensed a darkness that haunted the woman that she hid from others.

They found out on the trip they would be going to the same house called Wintervale. The news only stirred her growing insecurities about the whole plan. The director and everyone else she’d talked to were leaving out information. She was sure of it. But she really had no choice. This was for her mother who had struggled and suffered for years raising her.

God, she hoped she wasn’t walking into a space-age sex trafficking ring.

She pushed the thought away, filing it in the back of her mind. A frown tugged at her mouth.

She wasn’t sure what type of shifter she would be paired with. When she filled out the paperwork, she left the question blank. It didn’t matter as long as he was nice.

Hence, why she was crazy for signing up for this whole damn thing.

Reagan bounced on ahead of their small group as they entered the main part of the spaceport. The woman was energetic, a little loud, and funny. A little too excited to be a sex slave.

Okay, Gia, stop it. This was a planet trying to rebuild and repopulate. Nothing more.

Maybe Gianna should have read her contract more carefully. The Extraterrestrial Taskforce, or the alien police as Reagan called them on the flight to the shifter planet, said it was voluntary and safe. They even used the term sacred a few times. “They’ve gone out of their way to make us comfortable and ensure we are pleased with everything.”

Gianna was trying to convince herself more than the others. But it was true. The spacecraft had an endless supply of food, a library, and lounge. All the comforts of a royal home. They even said that the house they were assigned to would provide everything they needed, such as clothing, food, money…

And the selection process was thorough. Each of the women had gone through physicals and medical tests as well as IQ tests. They’d also had shots for things Gianna couldn’t pronounce. She wasn’t sure it was even in English.

“Of course, they did. We’re here to repopulate the planet. They need their birthing cows to be happy and healthy.” Reagan turned and winked at Gianna, drawing a giggle from her.

Vanessa frowned at Gianna. “You did read your contract, right?”

Gianna glanced down as she hiked her tote higher on her shoulder. “I scanned over the important parts. I know we’re here to help repopulate the planet. I didn’t miss that part of the exam.”

Katrina, the fourth woman in their little group, stepped beside Gianna. “That’s about it. Don’t let those two scare you.”

With a forced smile, Gianna nodded. In all seriousness, it wasn’t much different than her job on Earth. Well, except for the physical contact. She was a Cyber Cutie, which was like a cyber girlfriend. Most of her clients wanted a friend, someone to talk to and spend a few hours a day hanging out via the webcam. Occasionally, she got the creeper that insisted on meeting in person.

Some of her clients requested her to dress up during their video chats. Some liked to have virtual sex which consisted of dirty talk and pleasuring themselves.

She hoped the experience with the shifter would be friendly. It’d be nice to be pampered and possibly find love.

A sigh slipped from her lips. Who was she fooling? “I hope they’re good looking at least.”

She and her three new friends stopped at the information desk they were instructed to go to when they landed. The man on the other side looked human, but Gianna bet he wasn’t. She wasn’t sure she’d know the difference anyway. He had short brown hair with bangs that hung across his forehead and blue eyes that danced with happiness when he saw them.

His face brightened and a wide smile formed. Waving his hands as he moved around from behind the counter, he said, “Hi! You made it. Sit, sit. Make yourselves comfortable. You are the first group to arrive. We have another one arriving soon. Then we’ll brief everyone at once on what to expect before going to the hotel.”

Gianna didn’t want to sit. She’d sat, lay around, and paced her small room on board the spaceship during the three-month-long journey to Daeria. At least it seemed like three months. Maybe it was longer…

Moving to the large wall of glass, Gianna stared out. The spaceport sat on a cliff overlooking a city. Mountains were a beautiful backdrop surrounding it. Daeria had three moons that even in the midday sun were visible. The sky was a stunning shade of baby blue mixed with lavender.

“Beautiful view.”

Gianna jumped at the deep, husky tone of a man. Facing him, she quickly realized he wasn’t a man. At least not human.

The notable difference was his long silver-blue hair and his navy-blue eyes that seemed to have specks of light in them, like tiny stars in a sea of midnight blue. He had high cheek bones and the perfect pale skin that seemed to shimmer under the lights of the spaceport.

“I didn’t mean to startle you.” He smiled, and she was sure her legs were going to fail her. Then she’d fall on her ass and embarrass herself in front of the hot-as-hell shifter alien.

Shaking out of the lust haze, she gave a nervous laugh. “I wasn’t expecting anyone.” She turned back to the window, remembering what he said. “It is beautiful. Is the whole planet this breathtaking?”

“Most places, yes.” He was still looking at her. She could feel it like a physical caress.

“Earth is the opposite. There are few places that are naturally beautiful. In my opinion, anyway.” She glanced at him and a flood of desire washed over her. God the man was hot. Would it be rude to ask him what type of shifter he was? She decided not to chance offending him. “I’ve only seen those places in pictures. I lived most my life in the city battling asthma due to pollution and genetics.”

Wow, she was being chatting. She usually was when she was nervous.

“There is no pollution here. You may see that your breathing is better while you’re here.”

She nodded. Good to know. The idea of never having to take breathing treatments again was amazing. Looking out over the city, she asked, “Are there tours I could take of the area?”

He was silent for a long moment, which made her meet his stare again. A ripple of light danced in his eyes. Then he drew his brows together. But the play of emotions was gone in a flash. “I’ll take you to see the city, the mountains, whatever you want.”

Heat filled her face and she bet her cheeks were as red as an apple. “Does that mean I’m your surrogate?”

Okay, so maybe she sounded a little too hopeful. His features hardened and for a split moment she thought she offended him.

“My lord.” Another shifter, like the one next to her, came into view. This one had short black hair and tanned skin. He was just as hot.

Ignoring the newcomer, her shifter—she didn’t know why that sounded so right, but he was hers—smiled again. “Will you excuse me?”


He whirled around and growled at the other man. The sound sent a thrill of pleasure up her spine.

“O. M. G. If they all look like that, I’m totally in.” Reagan looped an arm around Gianna’s shoulder, making Gianna jump. She didn’t see the other woman approach. “What did he say? What did he smell like.”

A laugh burst from Gianna and she pushed Reagan away. “Hush. They can hear you.”

Raegan shrugged and walked off. Gianna glanced at the two shifters. The dark hair one met her stare, inclined his head, and reward her with a panty-wetting smile.

Good Lord. She needed a cold shower when she got to wherever they were taking them next.

* * *

A beep drew Voss’s attention to his tablet he laid on the information counter. The first group of surrogates—four females—were gathered around each other in the seats Nigel set up for them. One of them was his mate.


Glancing at his tablet, he frowned. The second group of females were delayed. By a month. Voss took a deep breath through is nose, then exhaled slowly. Puffs of smoke rolled from his nostrils indicating his dragon wasn’t happy by the news either. 

The beast was already on edge that his mate was in a group going to Wintervale—the wolf pack.

Nigel approached the counter slowly, then circled around to stand on the other side. Voss met his gaze and the other dragon quickly looked away. Clicking off the tablet, Voss said, “The second group will not be arriving today. I forwarded you the message.”

Nigel jerked his gaze up, his brows bunched. “Ugh. This whole process is going to take forever.”

“I agree. However, I don’t want the humans knowing about our advancements.” Voss glanced at Daven, who stood a few feet away, slightly behind him. Daven was his Enforcer. He wore his usual black pants and black T-shirt. His auburn hair was braided down his back. 

Voss typically didn’t leave the estate without either Daven or one of the other guards with him.

Sitting in a chair nearby the females was Azar, Voss’s adviser and best friend. Azar gave a slight nod before returning his attention to Gianna. Hope bloomed in Voss’s chest. Azar’s intense stare at the female told him that his friend felt the pull to her. That was a good thing because they agreed to share a surrogate. If she was a potential mate for both of them, it’d be easier to seduce her.

Especially after they stole her from the wolves.

“Let’s get this started.” Voss nodded to Nigel.

The male inclined his head and darted around the counter to stand in front of the females. “Well, ladies, it looks like it will only be you four. The other ship is running about a month late. I’m Nigel from the Nightflame Dragon Clan and will be your Q&A guy. If you have a problem with your assigned house or shifter or any problem at all, call me and I’ll have it taken care of.”

Nigel glanced at Voss over his shoulder and frowned before glancing at the counter. “Where are the comms?”

Comms were their version of what humans called phones. Although the comms were much more than communication devices. They were more of a personal adviser and assistance and fully voice activated.

Voss scanned the terminal, then saw Brazen—Nightflame’s technical genius—advancing toward them. He carried a small case with him. The comms. And he was late.

When Brazen passed by the females, he slowed and jerked his gaze to them. His chest raised when he inhaled. Scenting the air. Interesting.

A couple of seconds passed before Brazen snapped his attention to Voss and closed the distance. Voss raised a brow. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah. I got distracted.” Brazen handed the case to Nigel before moving to stand behind Voss.

The male had been distracted by some secret project he refused to tell any of them about. Even his roommate, Ryse, didn’t know what Brazen was up to.

Nigel handed out the phones to the females. “My number is in your contacts. Your House will send someone to pick you up tomorrow. Tonight, you will stay at the hotel about a mile from here. Before you go, it’s my pleasure to introduce you to Voss, Alpha of the Nightflame Dragon Clan and the King of Daeria.”

Voss stepped forward. “Thank you for volunteering for the program. Our planet is in the beginning stages of rebuilding and recovering from a century-long war. During which our females were either slaughtered or poisoned.”

A few of the female sucked in breaths at his boldness. Gianna looked sad at the news. Voss wondered if the Earth officials explained everything they were supposed to. After a quick glance to Azar, Voss continued. “You are here to help us rebuild. However, you will not be forced to do anything you do not wish. If you are mistreated, threatened, or uncomfortable for whatever reason, reach out to Nigel. Different arrangements will be made. Thank you and welcome to Daeria.”

Nigel crossed the small space to the females and talked to them about going to the location where a transporter would take them to the hotel. Voss nodded to Daven and Brazen to let them know they were free to leave.

The two males headed to the front of the spaceport. Azar met Voss at the last row of chairs. Azar’s gaze kept drifting to Gianna.

Voss sensed his best friend was going to start in on him. For a split moment, he thought Azar would try to talk the female into leaving with them. 

Azar said, “She’s our mate. You can’t tell me you didn’t feel the pull to her.”

Voss growled as he continued to their transporter. Of course, the male would sense how Voss reacted to the female. They shared a bond, after all. “I know.”

Azar grabbed Voss’s arm, stopping him. Voss glanced at the man’s hand and raised a brow. They’d been best friends since they were hatchlings and grew up together. While they were in public, Azar was his advisor and right hand. All arguments between them had to be kept behind closed doors or others would think Voss was weak. They didn’t need another war to break out.

Azar rolled his eyes but removed the hand. “We can’t leave her here. She is in the group going to the wolves.”

“I can’t stop that.”

Voss’s dragon snapped and growled at the statement. It took every ounce of control not to go back and take her.

When he saw her standing in front of the windows peering out over the city, he couldn’t stop himself from approaching her. When their eyes connected, and he inhaled her intoxicating floral scent, he knew she belonged to him.

To hear his best friend also recognized her as a possible mate was a wash of relief that told him the plan to share a surrogate would work. Voss wanted to take her home right then. Fuck everyone else.

However, he designed the program so the females would be comfortable. They got to pick the type of shifter they were sent to.

His mate had obviously picked a wolf or she wouldn’t be in the Wintervale group.

“I don’t like this.” Azar glanced at the building where their mate was. His body was tense like he was about to run in and take her. “What if there was a mix up in her paperwork? We could make a mix up. Come on, damn it. You’re King of Daeria. Do something.”

The plea in Azar’s tone and the longing in his eyes was a punch to Voss’s gut. They’d formed a brotherly bond long before the war. After the war that wiped out the female population, Voss and Azar formed the plan to bring in females from Earth and other planets. They knew they had no choice but to share a surrogate due to the lack of volunteers. Voss wouldn’t be able to share a female with anyone but Azar.

And the first group to arrive had their true mate in it.

The female smelled so good…

Another growl erupted from him and he pulled out his comm from his pocket. After bringing up the files on the group of females, he found hers within seconds. Gianna Harris. Only living relative was her mother who had Alzheimer’s. According to the medical report, her mother didn’t have long to live. She also didn’t recognize her daughter anymore because of the disease.

A pain formed in his chest. Sorrow squeezed his heart for his mate. It must be awful to have a mother that doesn’t know you. Was that the reason she signed up to be a surrogate?

Scanning the paperwork more, he noticed the type of shifter question was left blank. Interesting. Did she not have a preference?

“Well,” Azar asked. “What are we going to do?”

Voss raked a hand through his long silver hair and blew out a breath. As king, he had a duty to uphold his word. The relationship with the Wintervale wolves was fragile. It wasn’t the time to break the thin line of trust.

Yet, he couldn’t let go of his mate now that he had found her. A second in a lifetime. A blessing.

“May the gods help me.” Voss advanced to the transporter. “Come back tonight and get her. I’ll fix the paperwork in the morning.”

Azar scowled. “Why not now?”

“Tonight, Azar. Quietly.”

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