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Milly Taiden Books

Alpha Geek Saxon

Alpha Geek Saxon

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Xander never realized his mate would bite back...

Main Tropes

  • Friends to lovers
  • Slow burn
  • Strong female lead


An investigative journalist stumbles upon a secret that puts him at odds with Nick’s protection agency. Can these two enemies find common ground before it’s too late?

Genesis has always taken care of herself , but her luck runs out when she’s locked away for murder—but it was in self-defense! Nick offers to help her get released as long as she works for him. Normally, it would be no problem, but the geek she’s investigating undercover is oh-so-cute and also happens to be her fated mate.

Saxon never knows where a job might take him. What started as looking into how a notorious criminal mob boss, turns into him finding out about a secret serum that can turn humans into shifters. He’s got some decisions to make. But then he learns his new beautiful, sassy secretary is a plant, and she just saved his life.

Can their attraction overcome their dislike for each other, especially when Genesis makes the decision to use the serum to save Saxon—the very serum Saxon wishes to expose!

Chapter 1 Look Inside

Chapter 1



         It was just passed 11:30 at night when Nick found Genesis Sawyer drinking in a bar alone. She had been noticing her phone vibrating for a few hours but ignored it by ordering a few more rounds of her favorite beer. Prisons didn’t allow any alcohol, so she figured she should get as much in as possible before she was ushered back into the joint.

         She was sitting at the bar, surrounded by a party of empty bottles. Nick approached her, and she could smell him from a mile away. Something fruity and floral, pleasant enough to attract both women and men alike.

         “Evening, Nick,” she said before he touched her shoulder.

         He gripped it tightly, which made Genesis feel like an animal on a leash.

         “I’ve been calling you,” he said sternly. “I’m sure you know why I’m here.”

         Genesis turned to him and leaned up against the bar. She was an attractive woman who had no problem using her drop-dead good looks to get exactly what she wanted. It was a weapon she felt any woman had the ability to take advantage of at any given moment.

         But it wasn’t working on Nick. Genesis was wearing a low-cut V-neck top, exposing some spectacular cleavage. He stared at her, solemn and angry.

         She smiled at him, holding up her beer bottle in victory.

         “I’ve got a case, is what you’re coming to tell me,” Genesis said, aware that she was slightly slurring. “Meanwhile, I’m afraid I’ve found a case of my own.”

         She gestured toward the line of dead soldiers in the form of empty bottles behind her. Nick didn’t find her amusing in the slightest.

         He pulled out his phone and began typing something into it.

         “Not funny enough for you, eh?” Genesis said.

         “Go home and sober up,” he said, still glancing down. “You’re too drunk for a briefing.”

         Indeed, Genesis knew she was. Her idea had been to drink herself into a stupor, to the point where she forgot where she was, who she was, and would hopefully wake up somewhere unable to recall anything at all.

         But Nick’s serious demeanor was entertaining to the drunk version of Genesis. She slid off the stool and tried brushing a fluff off her new boss’s shoulder.

         “And maybe you’re not drunk enough?” she whispered.

         Nick looked up from his phone, moving his shoulder out of her grasp. He was looking at her closely, and she thought she saw the flicker of his alpha pass through his glare.

         “I think you’ll want to be quiet for the rest of the night, Genesis,” Nick said. “Don’t forget I got you out of that hell hole.”

         Genesis felt a surge of anger mixed with embarrassment, but there was no way that she was going to show it. She held her hands up in the air, picked up her jacket, then began walking away. She swayed her generous curves, hoping that Nick was watching.

         As she sauntered away, she accidentally crashed into a heavyset man with a leather vest on. She knocked a beer out of his hand, and it spilled all over the floor of the bar.

         “Watch where you’re going, bitch!” the biker bellowed.

         Genesis saw red. All of her inhibitions had been cast down from the alcohol consumption, which meant that her anger was incapable of having its reins yanked.

         She grabbed the biker by the shoulder, squeezing his forearm until she felt the bones begin to crack like glass.

         “What was that?” she murmured.

         The man cried out in agony, and Genesis felt nothing. Two of his biker friends approached. She used one hand to smack each of them across the face. The power and velocity behind her fists was enough to send them across the room and crashing through the walls. The music had silenced, and Genesis was standing there, peering at Nick in triumph.

         Nick shook his head and rubbed his face with one hand, his wallet in the other. Genesis shot a finger gun at him, then left the bar, doing everything she could not to topple over in the street.

         Genesis woke in her new home the next morning, her mouth as dry as the desert. As a shifter, she didn’t really get hangovers, but the lack of hydration still had an effect. She moaned as she climbed out of bed and drank directly from the faucet in the bathroom. 

         As she stood to gaze at herself in the mirror, she heard a knock at the door. She peered at the clock in the kitchen as she passed by, not realizing that she had slept till noon.

         Genesis opened the door and saw Meghan holding two duffle bags. She had met her when her and Nick’s agency had gotten her out of prison and found her a bit more endearing than Nick.

         “Morning? Afternoon?” Genesis said with a slick smile.

         Meghan was looking like a disappointed parent. Nick must have informed her about her behavior the night before. 

         Pillow talk.

         Meghan pushed past her and went into the living room. She threw both duffle bags onto the couch as Genesis closed the door behind her, rubbing her eyes beneath the aggressive rays of sun that had snuck in.

         “You really need to get your shit together,” Meghan said as she plopped down on the couch.

         “Oh, no foreplay?” Genesis said, crossing her arms in the doorway.

         “Be serious for a second,” Meghan said.

         Genesis was in no mood for a lecture, but she knew what they had done for her. They had taken her from a terrible place with a deal in mind … to have her work for their agency as a protector. She knew that what she had done the night before wasn’t the best way of representing her abilities. 

         Meghan sighed and began opening the duffle bags. She removed a sea of blouses and pencil skirts that made Genesis grimace.

         “So this case isn’t direct bodyguard work,” Meghan began. “It’s more an undercover job to figure out what our target has knowledge of.”

         Genesis came over to the couch, still with her arms crossed, and sat near the clothes Meghan was removing. 

         “The subject is Saxon Drake. He is an investigative journalist who has found some information on the serum Nick created. We just don’t know how much,” Meghan said.

         Genesis began fingering the pencil skirts. They were soft beneath her fingertips. She knew that she was going to look fantastic with the tight clothing hugging her every curve and valley.

         “So, I’m going undercover as a sexy librarian?” she asked.

         Meghan ignored her as she folded the clothing.

         “He has been looking for a new receptionist,” Meghan said plainly. “You’ll be doing that for the time being, finding out what he knows, essentially.”

         Genesis tried to hold in a scoff. She knew she didn’t really have much of a choice when it came to her mission assignments, but she wasn’t nuts being some dude’s glorified filing cabinet.

         But then again, she could use her assets to get the information quickly, then be on her way to something more to her taste and pace.

         “He’s been digging in deeply,” Meghan continued on. “He has a lot of experience with successful stories on scandals and the like. He’s been leaving a lot of digital footprints that our team has managed to follow.”

         Genesis tied up her long black hair into a messy bun, mulling the story around in her mind, forming a character that would be alluring to someone like Saxon Drake.

         “So I find out what he knows,” she said. “And then I’m out of there?”

         Meghan had finished folding the clothes and turned to face Genesis directly for the first time that day. Genesis raised her eyebrows, genuinely surprised by her straightforwardness.

         “Look, Genesis,” Meghan said. “I don’t need to remind you what we’ve done for you. I’m not going to keep waving that carrot in front of your face.”

         Then don’t.

         “But your little show last night didn’t do your any favors. Nick is doubtful about you now. He knew what you were like before he got you out, but now he’s starting to think you’re too loose of a cannon, even for us.”

         Genesis had heard the speech a thousand times. It echoed into her past, her present, her future. It was the voice of abandonment, the ones that didn’t think her complexity was deserving of any patience or tenacity.

         Meghan placed her palm on Genesis’s leg. Genesis’s eyes widened, feeling suddenly uncomfortable beneath another person’s touch.

         “We know the man you killed was a horrible person,” Meghan said, her eyes softening. “No one will suffer now that he is gone. We got you out because we know you didn’t deserve to be there, that in your heart, you are a good person.”

         Genesis could feel herself going inward, recoiling at the warmth being offered to her. She smiled, then placed her hand over Meghan’s.

         “I guess you are into foreplay then,” Genesis said with a wink.

         Meghan pulled her hand away, then stood, smirking as she walked into the kitchen.

         “You know that it’s proper etiquette to offer your guests something to drink when they come over, right?” Meghan said, calling from the kitchen.

         Genesis sighed, then began looking through the pile of clothing. She heard Meghan going through her cupboards and making Genesis and her some coffee. The smell streamed into the living room, making Genesis’s mouth rapidly dry up again.

         Meghan brought in two hazelnut flavor cups of joe and placed them on the table before them. Genesis picked it up and took a sip, the delicious taste shooting down her throat and warming her to the bone.

         “Mmm,” she moaned. “Now that is how it’s done.”

         Meghan helped Genesis pick out several outfits for the first few days of her receptionist position. Meghan had to leave and meet Nick for another debriefing when they finished.

         “Please, Genesis,” Meghan said at the front door. “Remember that there is such thing as calling for backup. That is what the agency is for. There is no need to put yourself at unnecessary risk.”

         Genesis nodded, leaning against the door as the midday sun accosted her. She had never asked for help in her entire life, and hell would have to freeze over before she ever tried it.

         But she also knew this was her job. She would certainly have a real desk job if she kept up her unpredictable bullshit.

         Genesis held up two fingers for her forehead, then gave Meghan a sarcastic salute.

         “Aye, aye, captain,” she said.

         Meghan rolled her eyes, then told Genesis to get back to them with daily updates. She was walking to her car when she turned on her heels frantically.

         “Oh, and one more thing,” she said, her eyes shining brightly. “There is a ninety-nine percent chance that this guy you’re investigating is your fated mate. So enjoy!”

         Meghan hurried away to her car, giggling like a child, while Genesis stood in her doorway, stunned. She had never considered the idea of a mate. Never ever, and Meghan had dropped that bomb on her before departing swiftly.

         She must be fucking with me. What good would that be?

         Genesis slammed the door shut and returned to her bedroom. She lay in bed and curled up, looking at the sliver of light trying to pry its way through her curtains.        

She thought about the things she had forsaken, but the mind wasn’t always the fortress one hoped it would be. She thought about her parents, the people she never knew and yet had spent her entire life trying to forget.

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