Chapter 16


A sudden bang jolts me awake, my heart pounding with fear. I look through the open door to see Breaker standing, tense, just staring out the window, looking like a man possessed. 

"Breaker!" I shout after him, fighting to free myself from the tangled sheets. Terror grips me as I wonder what could have caused such a reaction.

“Nooo!” I hear Breaker roar as he bangs his fists against the wall. 

"Breaker, what’s happening!" My voice sounds small and weak in the face of his unbridled panic. I scramble out of bed, but before I reach him, he suddenly takes off through the front door of the cabin and into the night.

I race after him, my mind still fogged with sleep, struggling to comprehend the situation. As I reach the open door, I find him halfway through a shift, his body rippling with the power only a shifter can possess.

"Breaker? Please?" My voice quivers as I take in his protective and aggressive posture. He stares into the trees beyond our cabin, his eyes locked on something I cannot see. Whatever it is, it has triggered the primal guardian within him, and I sense that our lives might depend on unraveling the mystery before us.

"Please, talk to me." Desperation tinges my words as I approach him cautiously, hoping to snap him out of this trance-like state. But his focus remains unwavering, leaving me with no choice but to brace myself and follow his gaze into the shadows of the forest. And then I see them, barely visible in the dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves, wearing fishing jackets and carrying rods. 

"Breaker, it’s only kids out fishing," I insist, trying to make sense of the situation. "Please, stop."

But he remains silent, his entire being consumed by the need to protect me – to protect us. My heart races as I stand beside him, torn between the desire to trust his instincts and the fear that his actions may lead to unforeseen consequences.

"Breaker," I whisper, my voice barely audible above the rustle of the leaves. "I trust you. But you are not seeing what you think you are."

His eyes flicker to mine for a brief moment, and I catch a glimpse of the love and loyalty he holds within his heart for me. 

A chorus of laughter and the clinking of bottles drifts through the trees, drawing my attention as the group of young people pass close by the cabin.

Breaker's body tenses beside me, his eyes never leaving the group. His breathing is thick and heavy.

"Breaker, they're just having fun," I plead, trying to reason with him. "They're not a threat."

I expect him to stand down, but instead, he continues shifting, his muscles coiling beneath his skin like a spring ready to snap. He falls to his knees as he continues to shift. His muscles pop and click as the wolf with him takes control.

Panic surges through me, clawing at my chest as I realize he's not going to back down. He's preparing to strike, and if I don't do something now, these innocent people will pay the price.

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Chapter 16 Continued

"Breaker, listen to me!" I shout, grabbing his arm in a desperate attempt to get his attention. "You can't hurt them. They've done nothing wrong!"

But it's as if he can't hear me, his focus unwavering. The group of friends becomes aware of our presence, some of their faces turning pale with fear as they take in the sight of Breaker – a man transforming into something much more dangerous.

"Please, Breaker," I whisper, my voice trembling. "Don't do this."

As Breaker completely shifts, I see the wolf. I see the hate in its eyes and can feel he will pounce at any moment. I know I have to act. With every fiber of my being screaming for me to stay out of harm's way, I take a deep breath and step in front of Breaker, directly in the path of danger.

"Breaker, stop!" I cry out, my heart pounding in my ears. "If you trust me, you'll stop right now!"

I can feel the heat of his breath on my face as he looks up at me and hesitates, caught between his instincts to protect and his trust in me.

"Please," I say again. "Don't hurt them."

The seconds stretch out like an eternity, and I hold my breath, praying that my faith in him is enough to break through the haze clouding his mind. I know deep down that Breaker would never willingly hurt me, but as I stand here, facing down the unknown, I can't help but wonder if my trust will be enough to save us both.

The wolf’s eyes are wild and unfocused, its body taut with barely contained energy. My voice seems to have momentarily halted his advance, but I can't be sure how long it will last.

"Breaker," I say softly, trying to reach him through the storm of emotion clearly raging within him. "These people aren't a threat to us. You don't need to protect me from them."

I turn my head toward the group. They are frozen, staring wide-eyed at the two of us. Their faces are etched with fear, and I can see the beginnings of panic setting in as they take in the wolf that Breaker now is.

"Please," I plead, turning my attention back to Breaker. "We're safe here. Trust me."

For a moment, something flickers in his eyes - recognition, perhaps, or maybe just the slightest hint of doubt. It's enough to make me hope that he's starting to see reason, that I've managed to reach him on some level.

"Look at me, Breaker," I command, my voice stronger now. "Look into my eyes and show me you trust me."

His gaze meets mine, and for a heartbeat, I see the trust in the eyes of the wolf. 

“Grab your gun, Paul!” one of the group shouts.

“I got him,” Paul replies as I turn to the gun pointed at Breaker.

“No!” I call out.

Without warning, he leaps forward, a growl ripping through the air like a gunshot.

"Breaker, no!" I scream, but it's too late - he's already airborne, his powerful muscles propelling him towards the terrified onlookers. The danger is real, and my fear spikes violently, threatening to overwhelm me.

“I’m safe!” I cry out, a last-ditch attempt. 

The words seem to hang in the air, suspended between us like a lifeline.