Chapter 13


"Is everything okay?" Ellis asks as he appears out of the darkness. Ava and I quickly stand up, putting some distance between us.

"Everything's fine," Ava replies, her cheeks flushed from our previous conversation. "Look, you’re right. We should keep heading to the safe house, but only if you promise to find out if Beth is okay."

Ellis nods confidently. "You leave it to me. You have my word."

"Thank you," she says, relief evident in her tone. 

I can't help but worry. If the PUI has got Beth, there's a good chance they'll make her disappear. But I can't let Ava know or even think that – I must shield her from such thoughts, no matter what. 

“Best get movin’ then, full moon rising, don’t want this fella here going all horror movie on us,” Ellis jokes as he takes off up the trail, laughing to himself. 

I look at Ava, who is staring at me with concern.

“It doesn’t work like that,” I tell her with a sly grin as I set off behind Ellis, catching him up. “Least not for me,” I call back to her. 

“Wait up!” Ava calls out to us. 

I smile as I feel Ava quickly catching up with Ellis and me. Ellis makes a howling noise, and Ellis and I chuckle to ourselves.

“Dicks,” Ava says. 

As we make our way deeper into the woods, I try to work through strategies for our next move. We will not be able to stay here forever, and I need to start getting one step ahead. Right now, all we are doing is running.

At some point, they’ll catch up. I know the best option is to get to my pack, but disappearing to New York, Seattle, or LA for a while first could work.

Chicago might be too dangerous, but maybe that could work to our advantage. 

As we continue down the trail, I feel the weight of the decisions that lie ahead, but I’m strong enough to shoulder them. You don’t choose the path you walk; the path chooses you. Sooner you figure that out, the sooner the shit they throw at you is easier to wipe off. 

“Just round this last bend, and paradise awaits,” Ellis tells us. 

We collectively push ourselves, and our pace quickens as we turn the bend that reveals the little cabin. I’m sure it would look pretty on a bright summer day, but now it looks like a damp wooden fridge that even the rats would avoid. 

Ava and I stop as Ellis walks enthusiastically ahead. We both look at the cabin and are thinking the same thing. 

“Paradise lost more like,” Ava says. 

“Well, come on in,” Ellis calls from the porch. It’s clear that he sees this place through different eyes. For him, the rotting wood holds the memories of him and his son. But, when you have good memories, you tend not to feel the cold. 

Ava and I join Ellis on the porch as he opens the door with a creak. We step inside and look around at the little room, a couple of single chairs and a little fireplace, a small kitchen, and one room at the back, which I’m assuming is the bedroom. 

The air is musty, the scent of damp earth mingling with remnants of past fires left to smolder in the hearth. It's far from ideal, but it's safe and better than where I have spent the last five years. 

“Make yourselves at home,” Ellis says. “There should be firewood out back unless it’s been stolen, but I doubt that.”

“Thank you, Ellis,” I tell him. 

“Oh, and if I’m not getting too forgetful, a bottle of scotch hidden under the sink for emergencies. I’d say this presents itself as such, so help yourself.” Ellis says. 

“Appreciate it,” I tell Ellis, who smiles a knowing smile at me. 

"I'll return at first light with supplies and any information I find about your sister, Ava."

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Chapter 13 Continued

"Thank you, Ellis," Ava replies.

Ellis walks over to me. “You stay safe, son. I can’t be losing another.” 

I nod as Ellis disappears through the door back into the night, leaving Ava and me alone in the tiny space. 

Ava looks at me, “You cold?”

“I’ll get the fire lit. You seek out the scotch. It’s been a long day,” I reply.  

“Sounds like a plan,” Ava says as she heads to the little kitchen. 

I turn to the fire to see it already set with a box of matches sitting in front of it. I have a feeling Ellis might have been up here sooner than he would have me believe. 

I kneel by the hearth, strike a match, and touch it towards the dry paper that sits beneath the wood. Flames leap to life as Ava returns with the hidden bottle of scotch and two glasses. 

“Well, that was easy,” Ava says.

“I think it was meant to be,” I reply. 

Ava pours and hands me a drink. She settles into one of the chairs as I take one of the throws off the back of one of the chairs and throw it over her. 

"Thank you," she murmurs, her eyes locked on mine. The intensity of her gaze draws me in, the unspoken desire between us crackling like sparks from the fire. 

"Well, that was one bastard of a day," Ava says, knocking back her scotch.

“I’ll drink to that,” I reply as my eyes flick nervously between hers and the fire. 

“So what now?” Ava asks me.

“A bedtime story?” I joke. 

“You’re such a dick, Breaker,” Ava says. 

I look at her, “That’s the first time today you have called me by my name.”

We look at each other, and the only sound between us is the crackling of the fire. 

“We should get some sleep,” Ava suggests, but I really don’t want to sleep right now. I want her here, to have her beside me, never let her leave my gaze again. 

"You take the bed," I suggest, my voice gentle but firm. 

"Are you sure?" she asks, hesitating. "What about you?"

"I'll be fine," I assure her, my true self aching, longing to join her, to feel her skin on mine and taste her lips like I used to. 

"Goodnight, Breaker," Ava says, getting up and making her way towards the bedroom. 

"Good night," I reply, watching her close the door of the bedroom. I pour myself another drink and settle into the chair in front of the fire. 

I long to be in there with her, and for the first time, I know she feels the same, yet we are forced into this dangerous dance where angels fear to tread. 

I down another scotch and take comfort, both from the heat of the fire and knowing that Ava is safe and near. I’ll keep watch and let the fire play out its stories for my amusement as the darkness falls into light, endlessly repeating.