Chapter 12


I stand, unable to move, panic gripping me as the realization hits me. 

"Beth," I say, my voice trembling. 

“Who?” Ellis asks.

“Her sister,” Breaker tells Ellis. 

Breaker and Ellis both look at me with concern. "What's wrong?" Breaker asks.

"I was meant to meet her at the apartment for margaritas tonight. I need to contact her to make sure she's okay. But my phone..." I trail off, feeling tears well in my eyes as worry clenches tighter in my chest.

Breaker and Ellis exchange a glance. "Ava, we can’t go back," Breaker says gently. 

“I have to,” I tell Breaker. I have to know she is okay. Don’t they understand? It is my sister I’m talking about. I can’t abandon Beth for him.  

“I promise you, Ava, I’ll find out everything I can, but I need to get you two safe,” Ellis tries to tell Ava. 

But safe means nothing to me at this moment. All I can picture is Beth walking unsuspectingly into harm's way. I can't stand not knowing if she is alright. 

“I just need to call her, that’s all. Then we can go to the safe house,” I plead.

“It’s five miles back, Ava. For all we know, they have already found your car. We can’t take that chance,” Breaker tells me. 

"No, I need to know now!" I hiss. "What if something's happened to her? I have to go back!" My breathing speeds up as images flash in my mind of my sister tied, bound, or worse.

“Ava, listen to sense,” Ellis says. 

But I can’t. Nothing so far has made any sense. "Those men, the ones you were so eager to avoid — what if they've taken her?" I watch as Ellis and Breaker share a look, a look that tells me if those men have her, it’s not going to be good.

“He’s talkin’ sense. It will do no good going back.” Ellis says. 

Breaker stares at me, his eyes narrow and intense. I sense an anger in him, an anger that frightens me.

“I’m saying no,” Breaker firmly says. “And that’s an end to it.”

“Fuck you!” I yell at Beaker and take off back down the path. I’ll get to the car on my own if that’s what it takes. 

“We can’t let her go, son,” I hear Ellis say. 

I hear the footsteps of Breaker running behind me. I push myself faster, but it’s no good. I hear his steps getting closer until I feel his grip on my arm. 

“Stop now,” Breaker orders me as I try to pull away, but he’s too strong, so I turn and swing a punch that lands on his chin. He doesn’t flinch, so I kick at him, and before I know it, I am kicking and punching him. 

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Chapter 12 Continued

Breaker takes the flailing punches and kicks without complaint, his strong arms binding me gently yet inexorably. Slowly, my struggles weaken as emotion drains my strength. 

Finally, I slump against his broad chest, heaving for breath through tears and whimpers. Breaker eases us to the forest floor, cradling me securely in his lap. 

"I know, it’s okay. I’ll make sure of it," Breaker says, his firm grasp grounding me.

“I’m scared,” I tell him, finally admitting. I let the tears flow, feeling safe here in his arms. 

"It's okay, just breathe. I've got you," he soothes, calloused fingers brushing the hair back from my sweat-slicked forehead. His steady touch and melodic voice begin to seep through the panic's grip. 

Gradually, my cries subside into uneven gasps. Breaker reaches up to swipe tenderly at my damp cheeks. "There now, you're gonna be alright. We'll figure this out."

Something about the feel of his embrace and earnest blue gaze is profoundly comforting. My shuddered breathing begins to calm as I lose myself in his caring eyes. An island of stillness forms in the center of my fear's storm.

Breaker pulls me closer, thumb rubbing slow circles over my racing heart. "That's it, just focus on relaxing. I won't let anything happen to you or your sister, you hear?" 

Exhaustion sweeps through my wracked body, but in Breaker's arms, a small flame of renewed hope kindles inside me, too. Though terror still lurks, clinging to his solid frame feels undeniably right and steadying in the darkness.

My eyes drift shut as his deep voice washes soothingly over me. At that moment, being near Breaker is solace enough to quiet the panic for now.

“There was this one summer. It was so hot in the city that the tarmac was melting, and people were boiling over. Whole place was going crazy, so we decided to get out and drive up to the lake. Man, it was beautiful. We cooled ourselves in the water and dried out in the sun. The night was so calm we slept with nothing but the stars for a blanket. We never wanted to leave, but you had to get back to college.” Breaker says, his voice as vivid as his memory. 

“Sounds beautiful,” I say, trying to picture it all in my mind, that I was there, but it will never be real, just a badly painted picture. 

“I keep memories like that in a safe in my head, and when things get bad, I replay them. Like an old movie,” Breaker adds. 

“Breaker!” Ellis calls out from back down the trail. 

“Look, I know you don’t remember,” Breaker tells me, “But, someday you will. What we had was special, Ava. And because of that, I won’t let you go.”

I look at him. If only I could remember, if only I could feel what he feels, but this is all new to me. We’re traveling at two different speeds, and I wonder if I will ever catch up with him. 

“I’m sorry,” I tell him. 

“For what?” Breaker replies.

“For forgetting,” I tell him. 

The silence of the forest presses in. For now, all the words have been spoken.