Chapter 10


My eyes dart around at the amount of police cars that are blocking our path, there is no way we are getting out of here, but I can’t help but think that I have done anything wrong.

What if these police are here to save me? Or is Breaker telling the truth, and we are in danger? 

"Shit," Breaker growls under his breath, his jaw clenched and eyes narrowed with determination.

"Breaker, look, just give yourself up. Whatever it is you are involved in can be sorted out." I ask, my voice trembling with fear as I watch officers pour out of their cars, guns pointed directly at us. 

Panic and anxiety grip me and rise within me like a tidal wave, threatening to overwhelm any semblance of rational thought.

"Get down!" Breaker orders, his voice firm but laced with concern for my safety. He reaches over and pushes my head down.

"Breaker, please!" I scream, tears streaming down my face as I cling to the car seat. The intensity of the situation leaves me feeling helpless and petrified.

"Damn it!" Breaker curses, ramming his hand against the steering wheel. Instantly, he shifts the car into reverse and slams on the gas pedal. The vehicle jolts backward, tires screeching against the pavement as we speed away from the police.

"Breaker, what are you doing? We can't outrun them!" I cry out as the roar of the engine and the wail of the sirens threaten to silence me. 

"Trust me, Ava. I won't let anything happen to you," he reassures me, his intense eyes catching mine briefly before returning to the road ahead.

He whips the car around in a tight U-turn as bullets spray the back of the vehicle, shattering the rear window and embedding themselves in the metal. My pulse races, and I can hardly breathe from the terror coursing through my veins.

"Fuck!" Breaker shouts, flooring the accelerator. The car lurches forward with a surge of power, propelling us away from the hail of bullets.

The sirens blare louder, and I can't hold back my panic any longer. 

“They are catching us, Breaker,” I shout and immediately feel the car lurch forward in acceleration.

Breaker turns the car sharp into a side road. I turn and watch through the shattered back window a few cop cars rush by, but the others aren’t fooled, and I watch as they turn into the side road, gaining on us fast.

“Put your belt on,” Breaker shouts, and I reach over, grab it, and click it into place. “Now brace yourself.”

What the hell is he going to do?

Suddenly, the car screeches to a stop. I feel the force as I am lifted out of my seat and feel the seatbelt cut into me as it stops me flying through the windscreen. 

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Chapter 10 Continued

I hear the police car brake frantically behind us. I turn to see a calm Breaker grinning at me. Then he slams his foot down on the accelerator, and the car screeches forward as Breaker spins the car around, shooting us off in the opposite direction and leaving the police cars behind. 

“Cops, dumb as pigshit,” Breaker says as we turn the corner into the main road, the car roars as Breaker pushes it to its limits. Weaving in and out of traffic, I close my eyes as Breaker flicks the steering wheel and spins the car onto another side road. 

The roar of the engine subsides as we return to normal speed. A beast recovering after battle, the car and I breathing a tandem sigh of relief as we take a few quiet back roads and make our way out of town. 

"Why are they after us? Who the fuck are you, really? What have you dragged me into?" I demand, gripping the edge of my seat as Breaker swerves around a tight bend.

"Look, Ava," he says, his voice strained from the effort of driving at breakneck speed. "I promise you, I'm going to keep you safe. But right now, we can't trust the police. We can't trust anyone but my pack."

A shiver runs down my spine at the mention of his pack. What kind of people are they? And why would they help me, a stranger who knows nothing about their world?

"Breaker, please," I plead, desperate for answers. "You have to tell me what's going on. Why are we being chased? Why are they shooting at us?"

"Okay, listen," he begins, glancing over at me with a pained expression before returning his attention to the road. "Aside from the fact that I killed your fucking handler, I just broke out of Supermax prison, so I'm sure that's pissed them off."

His words hit me like a ton of bricks. My heart pounds in my chest, and I struggle to catch my breath.

"Supermax prison?" I echo, my voice breaking. "You're a murderer and an escaped convict? Jesus Christ, Breaker! How am I supposed to trust you now?"

"Trust isn't something you can just hand out," he replies, his eyes flicking between me and the road. "It has to be earned. And I swear, Ava, I'll do everything in my power to earn yours. But right now, we don't have time for this. We need to focus on getting out of here."

I clench my jaw and glare at him, feeling the adrenaline coursing through me. 

"Just," I snap, swallowing hard as I watch the world fly outside the window. "Just get us out of this mess, and maybe – maybe – I'll consider trusting you."

Breaker nods, his jaw set, “I will.”

The dense forest looms around us, swallowing the last remnants of daylight as we speed down the two-lane road. The sirens that once filled the air are gone, a distant echo I don’t want to remember. 

"Where are we going?" I ask, gripping the edge of my seat as Breaker takes another sharp turn.

"Somewhere safe," he replies, his voice strained. "I need to meet up with my pack. They'll know what to do."

"This pack of ours, what the hell is it?" It sounds like something out of a horror story, and here I am, caught right in the middle of it.

"It’s okay, Ava," Breaker says, his eyes locked on the road ahead. "They will help us."

Before I can respond, our headlights catch the silhouette of a car blocking the road ahead and a man standing beside it. He does not move, and by the rifle in his hands, it’s clear he is expecting us. Panic surges through me, and my breath catches in my throat. 

“Leave this to me,” Breaker says as he brings the car slowly to a stop.